hey guys, what is up!if you have ever downloaded an application just to find out that it doesn't work becauseof your device being rooted, i have got some good news to you today asthere's actually a way to bypass that! and to that you will need xposed frameworkinstalled on your device. so yeah, you just go to xposed installer andyou have to search for a module called rootcloak. here it was... okay, here it is! and now all you have to do is simplydownload the application. okay, now we have to install it. once it's done, as always withxposed framework's applications, we have to activate the module and to do thatwe have to check the module in xposed installer and reboot our phone afterwards.
alright, and after rebooting your device youwill now have this new application called rootcloak and in it you can actuallyadd and remove applications from being able to see that your device is rooted. you willhave to add the application manually because not all of the apps are automaticallyadded. so in my case it is the nokia z launcher. adding it is as simpleas tapping on it. but now, as you can see, the app still does not allow me to run itbecause it sees i am rooted. it is not a bug or anything, you just haveto go to the application's settings and force stop it.and now once i run the application it works just as intended!
so yeah guys, hiding the root from specificapplications is as simple as that! thank you for watching and see you next time!