you've just walked into the parking lot andyou're lookin' for your car, and you notice it's not there. my name is james, with theresurgence group. we're a full service insurance agency. we specialize in car insurance. well,what do you think just happened? the car was stolen. so, what happens next? well, it'sa challenge, because chances are all of the information that you need to report that stolencar are in that car, so we have a suggestion. in your wallet or your purse keep your insuranceid card, because that will have your policy number and the telephone number so that youcan immediately alert not only the police, but the insurance carrier. and i would evensuggest calling your agent. a lot of times the agent can get involved, and really helpyou, and expedite that claim so that in the
event that you don't get the car back youcan at least get a rental car if you've got that under your policy limits, which we stronglysuggest. there are a lot of different limits that your agent can go over when you're firstlooking for car insurance so that in the event that your car is lost, or you just don't havethat vehicle because it was stolen you can get a rental car and it's covered under thepolicy. my name is james, with the resurgence group. we do this every day. we try and sitdown with clients, and make sure that we're proactive before something happens that theyknow what their limits are, and what's covered and what's not. so, we suggest sitting downwith your agent, and go over those policy limits. and in the event that your car isstolen make sure that you have your policy
number and your id card in your wallet oryour purse.