vehicles with no collision history suffer diminished value in a wreck. even with proper repairs consumer demand for collision history vehicles is lower than for clean-history ones. as demand goes down, so does the value of an asset. you might not feel diminished value right away, but you will when you go to sell or trade in your vehicle you can make your diminished value claim now
so that the loss hurts less later on. galileo law evaluates whether each of our injured clients have diminished value claims and we bring diminished value claims even for collisions that don't involve any injuries at all we've successfully resolved diminished value claims for ferraris, bmws, mercedes, porsches, audis collector vehicles, and even production vehicles
like hondas, ford trucks, and volkswagens. unlike many law firms we've fought insurance companies over diminished value both in and out of court. we've heard all their excuses for delaying, denying, and defending diminished value claims we know their experts, and their weaknesses.
for our own clients, we hire the most objective and reliable appraisers. other attorneys ask us for advice about their own claims because we are the premier diminished value law firm in washington ultimately, our clients can expect to recover more for their diminished value claims even after our attorneys' fee than they could recover on their own,
and with a lot less time, headache, and aggravation. we know how to win these claims so that our clients are fully compensated for their property losses.