you are thinking about buying car insuranceand you are trying to figure out what is the best way to do it. my name is james with theresurgence group. we are a full service insurance agency and we specialize in auto insurance.our recommendation is that you speak with a local agent in your local area and you sitdown with them and you explain what it is that you are trying to accomplish. there aremany different types of insurance, types of carriers, and types of limits. it's all aboutyour budget. so you can design a program specific to how much money you want to spend each monthand that is going to really tell you what carrier and what limits are going to be offered.if you think about it, the more premium the more coverage, the less premium, the lesscoverage. if you are ever in an accident you
are always going to want the most coveragebut if you have only been paying a little bit of amount each month the chances are youdon't have the proper amount of coverage. that agent will be able to spreadsheet a hostof carriers and be able to design a program specific to your needs and your budget. mynames is james with the resurgence group and this is what we do every day and i am surethat if you find an agent they'd be more than happy to do exactly that, spreadsheet multiplecarriers and give you multiple quotes and make sure that your insurance fits your budgetand you enjoy driving that car safely.