best it companies

best it companies

with us xpress, we have, we have made a realgood living. i believe that us xpress cares about theirdrivers. they want them to succeed, they want themto be successful, they want them to make money, and they want them to be happy in the professionthey’ve chosen. and they will pay you well for your work andas you learn more about the trucking business and get better at it, you will make more money. i don’t see how they can pay you sometimes,with all the bonuses and everything, i don’t know how they do it. because they're phenomenal with their bonuses.

it’s a good living and it’s a good wayfor women to get into the workforce and earn a good living. i don’t know of many other companies thatpay more than they do. they’re a good company to work for. it’s a great opportunity to make good money. you can take care of your family. i was able to put my wife, well she went backto school, and through working here and training, able to pay for her to get her bachelor’sdegree. and now she’s a certified teacher.

you get to see the whole country. and you get to ride around with a lot of people. and you make a lot of money. financially, it’s been very rewarding forme. i’ve done things that i’ve never thoughti would be able to do. i’ve seen places that i’ve never thoughti would see before. and it’s rewarding when you pull up to someplace and, you know, you have a part of keeping america moving. so it’s a really satisfying feeling.